Sunday, December 9, 2007


We definitely have the Christmas fever bug around here! This year has been a lot of fun because it is really the first year that N understands about Christmas. As a mother, I have really been trying to emphasize the true meaning of Christmas this year and not just focus on Santa Claus and presents... This of course does not mean that N isn't excited about presents! He has a hefty list and we are trying to focus on just a few things.

N's list this year is:

Spiderman bike

Spiderman toy

Thomas toys

A cowboy horse

These are the things that he lists off, but of course he has told me about a thousand other things as well!
The funny thing about N is that he has cried... no, bawled the past 2 visits to Santa, so we have been talking to him about the whole experience and going over what he would do and say. Yesterday, I helped host a Santa event at our church and J brought the boys. N was very excited and of course M was all smiles. However, when it came time for N to shine and tell the big man his much rehearsed list, he froze up. He did not cry, he just got shy. When he got down, he ran to his Daddy and told him that he wanted his Daddy to go back and tell Santa his list. Since we were at church, and it was very laid back, N's wonderful Daddy went back and let Santa know what N wanted for Christmas... just in case he did not know already! :-)
It was really cute... N was "berry pwoud of my daddy for tawkin to Santa Cwause dor me!"