Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Gingerbread Houses

We had a fantastic surprise the other day as we received a huge box in the mail from my Aunt Sissy. She always sends the neatest gifts and this year was no exception. She sent the boys a Train Gingerbread House! Tuesday morning, I told N that when he got home from school, we would put M down for a nap and he and I would decorate the train together. He was so excited and told his teachers all about it! Now, those of you who know me well know that I have a few perfectionist OCD tendencies... so, I had already talked myself into the fact that I would put the train together and do most of the icing, but that I would let my 3 1/2 year old go to town with the decorating. However, I soon found out... N may be a clone of his daddy, but he is my child after all!!!

N was very organized with the decorating. He put all of the same kind of candies in rows. He put all the candy canes in the corners, he even studied the box very intently to see what he thought it should look like... (which is exactly what I would have done!) Now, it's not perfect, but it is pretty organized for a 3 1/2 year old genius!

*Notice the smudge of green icing on his lip!

We taste tested as we decorated!

-This pictures is after a little nibbling by the boys!


Lucybel2324 said...

So sweet! He did a lovely job! Miss and love you guys!