Wow! My lack of blogging began last year with computer problems... Then we had some major changes in our lives... and poof! It's a year later! My goal is to start blogging again, but also to go back and fill in the past year. It might take me another year, but I'll do my best!
In a nutshell: We were offered a position outside of Atlanta, GA the beginning of December last year and by January, we were "Home." The boys and I lived with my parents for 7 months while J commuted back and forth as often as he could and we tried to sell our home in TX. We are now moved into our new home, still trying to sell our other home (we have renters thankfully!) and getting adjusted to our new life.
Leaving our home in Texas was so bittersweet. We had made our home there and had wonderful friends. On the other hand, we are excited about beginning this new journey. We are so happy to be living so much closer to family as well. Most importantly, after the past 7 months of being apart, we are so thrilled to be back together as a family!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Where to Begin???
Posted by Allymommy at 8:37 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
M starts preschool!
I LOVE this picture. As we were leaving, J picked up M's lunchbox and followed him. He adores M!
Posted by Allymommy at 3:13 PM 2 comments
Labels: school
Saturday, August 21, 2010
J's 1st Birthday!
I can hardly believe that our baby J is 1 year old! This year has flown by! He is such a joy... very happy, very content, and very busy! He is walking and into everything. J is the best baby! He laughs a lot, babbles, loves his big brothers and is definitely a Daddy's boy. He loves to watch the boys wrestle and wants to play along. He will giggle and throw his body on Daddy. It is really cute. He loves to swing and really seems to enjoy playing with balls. He hardly ever fusses, eats a lot, and sleeps pretty well. He is a true blessing to our family!
Posted by Allymommy at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Birthdays
Thursday, August 19, 2010
M and his friends
I decided to take M to the zoo during the first week of school to distract him from N's absence. We had fun and it was a cute time for him to spend time with some of his friends and not just his brother's!
Posted by Allymommy at 12:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
N's first day of Kindergarten
I was not... To say I have been dreading this day for some time is a bit of an understatement, but I have to admit that having him so excited did help. I absolutely love his school. I love his teacher. I love his friends. I just don't love that he is going to be leaving me everyday! I hugged him bye, swallowed my tears, and went out in the hall to cry. He walked in, hung up his bookbag, sat down at his desk and didn't give us a second thought.... He is ready. We held him back in pre-school and I know he is ready. He is so excited and it is wonderful! I am so proud of him!!!
Posted by Allymommy at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: school
Monday, August 16, 2010
N meets his teacher
Today is Open House at N's school. He gets to bring all of his supplies and meet his teacher. He was up and dressed by 8 am this morning even though it didn't start until 10. He is SO excited to be going to Kindergarten. We have been talking it up all summer... All of the fun things he will learn and do. He has not been thrilled about the every day thing, but he is really looking forward to learning how to read. He found out that his best friend Reed is in his class and we were all so happy! A few weeks ago, N came to me and said, "Mommy, this year I don't want to wear cute clothes. I want to look cool."
Shocked, I asked the dreaded question... "Well, what do cool clothes look like to you?" All the while thinking to myself... I am not that old, surely I am still cool!
Well, come to find out, I do NOT know what cool looks like to a 6 year old because apparently, to my well dressed and handsome son... Cool = light up shoes and tacky screen printed t-shirts!!!
Oh My!
However, not wanting to be overly controlling and make my child miserable, we went shopping together and here is one of our "compromise" outfits:
He looks COOL to me... and Cute also!
Posted by Allymommy at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
My little helper???
Posted by Allymommy at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: boys
Sunday, August 1, 2010
T-Ball 2010
Posted by Allymommy at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: sports
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Lydia visits
Posted by Allymommy at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
J - 10 months old!
J has become quite the little busy bee. He is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything! He is really quick and very curious and very happy. He does not fuss unless he is tired or hungry... and boy does he get hungry now! He has turned into quite a little piglet and loves every food I have given him!
Posted by Allymommy at 2:48 PM 0 comments