Friday, July 25, 2008

Kamikaze M

Wedesday, when I laid M down for his afternoon nap, he really did not want to go. I put him in his crib and he started crying, but I walked out of his room... down the hall... and into the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen I thought that the monitor must be turned up really loud because it sounded like M was right behind me. Well, I turned around and there he was! He had jumped right out! I put him back in his bed several times and watched as he threw his little leg over the rail, pushed his little arms up and hurled his body over the side. Needless to say, to avoid injury, I decided to put him in my bed.

This is a whole new world for us since N moved to a big boy bed before he ever had the chance to jump out. Of course this also happened the day before we left for GA, so that created more problems as it is hard enough to establish a routine while traveling. Ultimately, it ended up ok and the boys slept together in N's big bed at Gracie and Bob-O's. They were so cute and the first night I had to go take some pictures... I can't believe how my little men are growing up!