Tuesday, July 8, 2008

"M" isms

I have not said much about my strong but silent M. He is still not using many words, but communicates VERY effectively! Our pediatrician told us that M is not communicating because he gets his needs fully met through other areas of communication... (like grunting, screaming, pushing, pulling, and pointing!)

M is a hoot and has the best personality. He is very strong willed and stubborn!

M is growing up so quickly and I know he will talk when he is ready, but I thought I would give a quick overview of his very interesting vocabulary!
"M-isms" :
Ma - Ball
Yu Ye - Lucy (our Golden Retriever)
Ma Ma - Me!
Baba - N (he is trying to say Brother)
Da Da - Daddy
Da - Thank you... ( we are wondering if he is speaking German also. Maybe he is bilingual!?)
How - Juice
Moo - Milk
Boo - Boots
Ha - Hat
Uh Huh! (said in a very excited happy voice) - Yes!
Uh Uh (said in a deep throaty voice) - No!
Of course he says: Uh -OH and Bye-Bye
He also loves to play: Pee-Boo
However, our favorite "M-ism" is his newest one: A-Woohoo - I love you!


Jennifer said...

Love these - and loved visiting with you guys Saturday! Your boys are awesome and eventually they will both be verbal enough for you to long for the days of old - when there wasn't so much "conversation" in the house, lol!