Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I was reading another blog and she had posted a list of questions that she had asked her three year olds. I decided to try it with N and got some humorous answers. Some of them are very serious and expected, but others are totally random!

What are you good at doing?
paying wif my toys
If you had ten dollars, what would you spend it on? (I had to explain to him that this was a lot of money.)
food, twains, and spiderman masks
What are you afraid of?
NOTTING! (very enthusiastically!)
Who are your friends?
Reese and Riley (friends from school)
What is important to you?
What is your favorite book?
da book wif da yions.
Oh, Daniel and the Lions Den?
no, mommy... da Yion King
What is your favorite food?
chicken and cookies. Oh, and milk... it makes me big and strong!(saying this with a deep voice while holding his arms in the air and flexing his muscles!)
What is your favorite thing about school?
Mrs. Mattox and Mrs. Robbins (his teachers)
What is your favorite thing to do?
Hmmm... I don't weally know!
How do you show your family that you love them?
Oh, I do yuv you. I yuv you lot a lot!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A Red Spiderman
Cause I wanna save people and take care of you.
What are you thankful for?
Tell me something about God?
Mommy, you told me God makes tings. God makes paper and all da animals.