Thursday, August 30, 2007

M's 1st haircut

After numerous comments on our pretty little "girl," I finally broke down and took M to get his first haircut. This was also strongly influenced by the threat my husband gave me of taking him to the barber shop! Although I was so sad to have all the beautiful curls cut off, he really looks so cute. It is amazing how much the 1st haircut transforms the appearance of a little boy. He was so good and did not fuss at all... of course it helped that they gave him animal cookies and a sucker! It is a little shorter than I wanted, but I keep telling myself that it will grow. He looks so handsome and grown up now! I think I am selfishly wanting him to keep his curls since they are one of the only visible things either of my boys have that looks like me!


Jean Mommie said...

I will miss the curls but I love the new "do" for Max. He looks like a big boy now...I still think he looks a lot like Allyson, but the (side view) picture took me by surprise because I first thought it was Ned.
I will look forward to seeing your comments and pictures, thanks for letting us in on the boy's activities.
Love Ya'll,
Jean Mommie