Tuesday, April 29, 2008

N... countdown to 4!

We are very quickly approaching the Birthday Month in our household and I was thinking that this would be a great time to do an update on the boys, their interests, and personalities:

N is at the most wonderful age! He is very caring and loving. He comes up to me and says "Mommy, give me a hug!" with outstretched arms or "Mommy, give me a kiss!" with big puckered lips. He is very considerate and thoughtful. He is quick to apologize when he does something wrong, but sometimes says "it twas an axcident" when it wasn't! He is very complimentary and tells us all the time that we are pretty and handsome. He will even compliment my clothes or hair and even someimes notices when I have something new. He is a very good big brother... sure, they fight some and argue, but they really play together well for the most part. He is not perfect of course and sometimes has a mischevious side where he tries to push the limits. We are working on truthfullness right now and not telling fibs. He is starting to tattle right now also.
N loves puzzles and games. He loves to help me cook. He loves to play outside and wrestle with his Daddy. He loves to sing and read books (finally!). He is starting to enjoy television and movies and I really have to monitor what he wants to see. He loves Superman and Spiderman and Toy story characters. He likes baseball a lot, but not enough to play t-ball yet. He likes to go on walks and play games outside. He enjoys school and his friends and is talking constantly about his birthday! He is obsessed!
N is very sensitive. We really have to be careful how we discipline him. We have to be forceful, but absolutely filled with love. He apologizes all the time and I am really having to work with him to realize what forgiveness is. He loves Jesus and talks about the Bible story he learns all the time which is awesome. He says his own prayers and has a precious concept of his God!