Tuesday, May 5, 2009

N's 5th Birthday!

N is five! It is so hard to believe that my baby is hitting this milestone. It literally seems like yesterday that he was born. This birthday was so much fun because it is really the first year that N totally understands it and is really into it. He has been talking about his birthday and planning his party for months!

Tuesday mornings I have to usually wake N up because he goes to school. This usually takes a few minutes and it followed by more minutes of sleepiness. However, Tuesday morning, I went in at 6:30 and started rubbing his back and started singing softly "Happy Birthday" to him and he sat straight up with the biggest grin on his face and said triumphantly, "Oh, Mommy! I so eggsited today is my Birfday!" and with that... we were off!

Bob-O went and got donuts with sprinkles for breakfast and N opened a present from Aunt Jan and Bob-O and Gracie at breakfast. M got presents too and I think thought it was his special day also! He was just as excited as N!

Next, N went to school and Gracie, Bob-O and I took spiderman cupcakes to his class at 10. His teacher had a special hat for him to wear and a birthday bear that sang. The class enjoyed their cupcakes and his teacher even gave him 5 (fake) spankings over her knee and a pinch to grow on. N thought this was hilarious and told me very seriously, "Don't worry Mommy. Dose pankings didn't hurt because she was just pwetending."
After school, we took N out to lunch whereever he wanted and he picked "MrDonalds." From there, we went to his favorite store, the "Red" store (a.k.a. Target) and got to pick out some new sand toys. We played all afternoon and then went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for a Cinco de Mayo birthday dinner celebration. N got an icecream sundae and was amazed that even the waitress knew it was his birthday! When we got home, the boys both played outside and then both got to open more presents from Jean Mommy and Papa Nelson.

It was a fabulous day and full of fun. N was a joy to be around and truly enjoyed his special day. The boys are having a joint party on Saturday with their friends, so it is really a birthday week!

N told me when I tucked him in, "Mommy, dis was da berry bestest day of my whole entiyuh life!" I love that 5 year old more than words can say! Happy Birthday Little Man!


edenfieldadventures said...

I love that first picture....adorable! Sorry we missed his party~ I know they had fun!