Thursday, April 16, 2009

Meet Baby...

Profile Shot

BOY Jones! We are so excited to find out that we are going to have another Jones boy! He is healthy and weighing in at 14 ounces so far! N is very excited and has only talked about having another brother from the beginning. M doesn't quite understand yet, but I am positive will be an excellent big brother! We feel so blessed to be having 3 little boys! Thankfully, I will not have to change the name of the blog!

I guess I will always be the Queen of this castle!

Here is our first glimpse of those sweet little feet... looks like a Jones to me!:
He's waving to say Hello!
When J and I saw these long legs and feet, we knew it was a boy. They just didn't look dainty to me!

To celebrate our new boy, we had an All boy party with balloons and boy cupcakes! Thankfully, Mommy got a cupcake too! The boys are so excited about their new baby brother and it was a fun memory to share with them. N even looked at the pictures and could pick out hands and feet.


edenfieldadventures said...

LOOK AT THOSE FEET!!!!! A Jones for sure!!!

JenEvang said...

Congrats! He looks gorgeous :).